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Specialized Works

Jobs in Ancient Mesopotamia

·     Accountant

·     Architect

·     Astrologer

·     Baker

·     Basket Maker

·     Boatman

·     Bowman

·     Brewer

·     Brick Maker

·     Butcher

·     Carpenter

·     Chariot Driver

·     Cup Bearer

·     Farmer

·     Fisherman

·     Goldsmith

·     Herald

·     King - Kings lead the entire civilization

·     Leather Dealer

·     Musician - These musicians plays instruments such as harps, lyres, lutes, reed pipes, and drums. harps,

·     Perfume Maker - Made perfume for the wealthy.

·     Potter - Pots were used to store food made by farmers. This made the job very important. The Mesopotamians produced clay from the riverbed, created their pots, and then fired them using manure as fuel. Ancient Mesopotamians created the potter's wheel.

·     Priest

·     Prophet

·     Queen - The queen was the wife of the king.

·     Scribe

·     Shepherd

•    Teacher - Teachers taught upper class children how to read and write in cuneiform.


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